Legends Rising > Businesses Rules > Business Rules & Guidelines

Business Rules & Guidelines

Here are the revised guidelines for businesses:

1 - Fair Application Practices

- All businesses must complete a charter for their operation. Charter details can be found here County Businesses. Additionally, an application must be submitted via a ticket. Create a business submission ticket within our Discord.

- Businesses cannot be given without completing the charter and application process. No one will receive a business as a form of payment for attempting to donate to the server.

2 - Limits of Ownership

- Each player can only own one business. Businesses should be active and contribute positively to the community.

- If the owner holds a high-ranking position in a government sector (e.g., law enforcement, DOJ, medical), approval from the business team and staff is required to ensure it doesn't interfere with their primary duties.

- In case the owner is unavailable, a co-owner or highly active manager may be considered for new ownership, subject to government and business team approval.

- Businesses may be surrendered to the government and cannot be reclaimed by the owner.

- Reselling, transferring, or government buy-backs are not allowed until after one calendar month (IRL). Approval from both parties and meeting specific criteria are necessary, with government buy-backs not accepted at this time.

3 - Activity Requirements

- Potential business owners must be present in the county for two real-life weeks, actively involved in the community, and compliant with regulations.

- Monthly updates to the business roster and charter are mandatory. Inspections will verify:

- Inventory stocked in-store

- Ownership signage displayed accurately

- Business and employee activity

- Owners must maintain weekly activity to ensure smooth operation. Inactivity exceeding one week will flag the business, and if inactive for two weeks, it will be repossessed to prevent mismanagement by absent owners.

- Owners requiring extended leave can request a Leave of Absence (LOA) via support ticket.

- Non-compliant businesses have 48 hours to rectify issues or face inactive status and foreclosure to allow other potential owners the opportunity to run a thriving business.

4 - Public Areas

- Business owners do not own the property where they operate. Since they lack a deed to the property, it remains public. Therefore, public laws also apply within the business premises. For instance, if a crime occurs in a tailor shop, law enforcement can respond to protect the victim and prosecute the offender.

- It's important to note that all laws and town ordinances take precedence over business rules and owners and are applicable to all.

5 - Being Arrested

- If a business owner is arrested, they have three days to contact the Department of Justice (DOJ) for a trial. If found guilty of a crime, the DOJ may seize the business (not all crimes lead to seizure). Failure to request a trial within three days will result in a court-ordered subpoena, and the shop will be closed until a verdict is reached.

6 - Clean Record

- Business owners must have a clean record when applying. Those with a criminal record must contact the DOJ to expunge it. After expungement, a seven-day waiting period is required before being considered as a business owner.

7 - Relinquishment

- If a business owner voluntarily relinquishes their business, they cannot reapply for a new business for 30 real-life days.

8 - No Illegal Items for Sale

- Businesses cannot sell illegal items or any form of drugs. This includes both legal and illegal drugs, as selling them implies intent to distribute. Law enforcement can prosecute owners for possession and intent to distribute if illegal items are found on the premises.

9 - Pricing

- All businesses must price their items/services appropriately within the limits of the economy.

10 - Taxes

- Each business must pay $2000.00 in taxes to the government by the 1st of each month. Failure to do so will result in foreclosure.

11 - Inventories/Stashes

- No individual is permitted to remove items from a business's stash/inventory, especially upon resignation or termination from employment.

12 - Working for Yourself

- Players cannot have multiple characters working at their own business. For example, if Billy owns a tailor business, his second character Michael cannot work there. This practice could lead to meta-gaming and is strictly prohibited. It's advised to keep characters separate in their stories and relationships.

13 - Repossession & Waiting Periods

- If a business owner has their business repossessed (or reclaimed by the government due to leaving the county), there's a 24-hour waiting period before it's placed on the market for new applications.

NOTE: Valentine Surcharge

- Any business located in the town of Valentine will incur an additional $5,000 surcharge due to the high population density in that area.

NOTE 2: Carpentry and Woodworking

- Carpentry is encompassed within the woodworking business. However, setting up a woodworking business requires an additional $25,000 investment for building the lumber company. This amount is not paid to the government but is a separate purchase. (Please note: This endeavor might be the most challenging and significant one!)

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Business Rules & Guidelines