County Rules

General Rules
Value of Life (NVL)
Fail RP
Roleplay Expectations
New Life Rule (NLR)
Revenge Killing (RK)
Exploits & Cheating
Combat Logging
Character Sharing /Multiple Characters
Robbing Civilians
Robberies & Heists
Killing vs. Robbing
Combat Logging
Spawn Point | New Players
No Crime & Storms
Interactions prior to criminal scenes
Maximum Robbery
Wanted Status Cooldowns
Law Baiting
Government Corruption
Scenario Rules
Doctors & Active Scenes
AI Doctor / Offline Doctors
Owned Businesses
Government Revokes on Businesses
Pay to Play
Advertising & Poaching
Voice Identification
Medical Roleplay
Perma-Death & Suicide RP
Voice Calls
Talking while Down
Exotic Pets
Leaving Discord

Legends Rising > County Rules > Interactions prior to criminal scenes

Interactions prior to criminal scenes

Any roleplay scenes involving criminal activities such as robbery, kidnapping, shooting, or killing must include sufficient interaction before the criminal acts take place. This requirement ensures that players engage meaningfully with each other, building up the scene and laying the groundwork for the subsequent actions. By enforcing this rule, we aim to promote immersive and realistic roleplay experiences, where interactions are thoughtfully developed and contribute to the overall narrative of the game.

IMPORTANT: Players must engage in at least 15 seconds of meaningful roleplay with their target, ensuring they are actively responsive.

At Legends Rising, we cherish the art of storytelling above all else. We urge our players to craft intricate narratives and engage in meaningful interactions rather than resorting to immediate violence. While conflicts may arise, we prioritize roleplay over confrontation. Our ultimate goal is to imbue our server with a profound sense of depth and purpose for every character, steering clear of transforming meaningful roleplay into fast-paced shooter-style encounters.

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criminal scenes