County Rules

General Rules
Value of Life (NVL)
Fail RP
Roleplay Expectations
New Life Rule (NLR)
Revenge Killing (RK)
Exploits & Cheating
Combat Logging
Character Sharing /Multiple Characters
Robbing Civilians
Robberies & Heists
Killing vs. Robbing
Combat Logging
Spawn Point | New Players
No Crime & Storms
Interactions prior to criminal scenes
Maximum Robbery
Wanted Status Cooldowns
Law Baiting
Government Corruption
Scenario Rules
Doctors & Active Scenes
AI Doctor / Offline Doctors
Owned Businesses
Government Revokes on Businesses
Pay to Play
Advertising & Poaching
Voice Identification
Medical Roleplay
Perma-Death & Suicide RP
Voice Calls
Talking while Down
Exotic Pets
Leaving Discord

Legends Rising > County Rules > Powergaming


Powergaming involves situations where individuals are confronted with challenges where success seems unattainable, forcing them to adhere to the roleplay context that's imposed. Moreover, it includes engaging in roleplay actions or commands that defy logic or plausibility. For instance, trying to break free from restraints during an ongoing scenario would qualify as powergaming since such actions would realistically be noticed and prevented. Additionally, exploiting scripts to gain an unfair or unrealistic advantage is also considered powergaming.

Example: A lone individual facing four adversaries who have subdued them with ropes, intending to abduct and potentially harm them. In this scenario, the odds are stacked heavily against the lone individual, making victory virtually impossible.

Exploiting bugs or glitches in the game to gain an unfair advantage, whether it's for financial gain or to gain an edge in gameplay, is strictly prohibited. We closely monitor the game economy and have a zero-tolerance policy for exploiting bugs. If you come across any bugs, glitches, or exploits, please report them to us so we can address them promptly.

Setting up a camp directly next to illegal activities, such as cooking illegal substances, in order to use the nearby chest for storage is not allowed. Instead, utilize a cart for storage purposes. This rule also applies to farmland; refrain from placing a camp next to a field for convenient product storage. Again, use a cart instead.

When it comes to kidnapping, you are only permitted to kidnap one on-duty law enforcement officer per scenario. Additionally, refrain from committing crimes that would prompt an active law enforcement response, such as bank or store robberies, grave robbing, drug selling, or engaging in illegal missions, within 30 minutes before a server restart.

Abusing game mechanics, such as whistling your horse back if it's stolen or using the "Unsummon" feature during a hostile situation, is not allowed. Similarly, pulling out weapons while in the middle of an animation or while using another item, like a bucket, is considered an abuse of mechanics.

Finally, if you're being robbed, you cannot attempt to justify why you shouldn't be killed afterward. This behavior, known as "Rule-splaining," is not acceptable in our community.

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