County Rules

General Rules
Value of Life (NVL)
Fail RP
Roleplay Expectations
New Life Rule (NLR)
Revenge Killing (RK)
Exploits & Cheating
Combat Logging
Character Sharing /Multiple Characters
Robbing Civilians
Robberies & Heists
Killing vs. Robbing
Combat Logging
Spawn Point | New Players
No Crime & Storms
Interactions prior to criminal scenes
Maximum Robbery
Wanted Status Cooldowns
Law Baiting
Government Corruption
Scenario Rules
Doctors & Active Scenes
AI Doctor / Offline Doctors
Owned Businesses
Government Revokes on Businesses
Pay to Play
Advertising & Poaching
Voice Identification
Medical Roleplay
Perma-Death & Suicide RP
Voice Calls
Talking while Down
Exotic Pets
Leaving Discord

Legends Rising > County Rules > Robbing Civilians

Robbing Civilians

When robbing civilians in the county, there are specific rules governing what can be taken from them. When conducting a robbery, players are permitted to seize only two items from the victim, in addition to their cash pocket. This means that players can opt to confiscate two weapons alongside the entirety of the victim's items. However, it's important to note that combining multiple types of items, such as weapons, food, and money, exceeds the permissible limit.

Robbing Civilians

  • When robbing a player, you are not allowed to kill them.
  • If a player resists and you down them, you cannot revive them just to continue robbing or kidnapping them.
  • You cannot rob a player, decide the loot isn't worth it, return their items, and then kill them afterward.

Items Rules:

  • You are not allowed to take all items from a player's pockets.
  • You cannot rob multiple players in succession without a significant break in between.
  • Stealing Boats license is not allowed.
  • Stealing Handcuffs keys is not allowed.


  1. The victim only needs to surrender 2 visible equipped weapons and whatever they choose to drop from their pockets if they are not cuffed.
  2. If you cuff someone, you must uncuff them before leaving.
  3. You cannot force a player to withdraw anything from their bank or storage.
  4. When robbing a camp and forcing someone to open their chest, you may only take what two people can carry.
  5. After robbing a player, you must avoid engaging in hostile roleplay with them for at least an hour.
  6. You can steal the full contents of a wagon. However, you must choose between robbing the wagon or the players who own it, but not both.
  7. You can steal the full contents of a horse.
  8. You may not rob a player when they are on a game menu.
  9. You cannot hogtie or rob someone when they are using the general store, processing in-game menu.

Exceptions apply when robbing law enforcement officers. In such instances, only one item can be taken, along with half of their available money.

It's strictly prohibited to rob doctors while they are on duty. However, if doctors or lawmen are off duty, they are considered ordinary civilians in terms of what can be taken from them during a robbery. These rules ensure fair and balanced gameplay while maintaining realism and immersion within the game world.

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Robbing Civilians