Legends Rising > Gang Rules > Basic Gang Rules

Basic Gang Rules

1. Minimum Gang Members

To establish a gang, you need at least three members: a leader and two others. All members must already be present in the county (not just planning to join). The gang must have been active in the county for at least two weeks before it can be officially recognized. An application must be submitted as soon as the group identifies as a gang, but it won't be processed until the two-week period has passed.

2. Required Membership Duration

All founding gang members must have been in the county for a minimum of two real-life weeks.

3. Gang Registration

  • Any group aspiring to be a gang, criminal organization, or posse must submit a declaration (application). This ensures official recognition and allows the gang to receive benefits like designated camps/hideouts and protected clothing items. The application will be reviewed, and originality is encouraged. Gang names should be appropriate and not offensive or futuristic. Prompt application submission is necessary to avoid penalties.
  • To receive the appropriate role on our Discord, leaders are to submit a ticket for staff to add appropriate roles.
  • Hideout cost is $20000

4. Maximum Gang Size

The current limit on gang members is 12, but this may change with community growth. The government will regularly update the gangs on any changes to this requirement.

5. Identifiers and Protected Items

  • Gangs must have at least 3 identifying items (e.g. a specific color belt buckle, coat, and bandana). A picture of these identifiers must be included in the application. Gangs are to submit 2 gang colors that aren't already taken as well. Please see application for taken colors.
  • Gang members should not run in town and say I am a gang member.

6. Inactivity

Gangs inactive for 2 weeks will be marked as inactive. Inactive gangs might face disbanding the gang immediately.

7. Excommunication

The method of removing a member from a gang is at the leader's discretion. This could be a simple expulsion or a more elaborate scenario, potentially involving the character's death.

8. Voluntary Departure

Members wishing to leave a gang must submit a ticket to be officially removed from the gang's roster.

9. Waiting Period for Joining New Gangs

After leaving a gang, there is a seven-day real-life waiting period before joining another gang. If a member is kicked out but survives, they must wait four real-life days before joining a new gang.

10. Gang Conflicts and New Life Rule (NLR)

If a member dies in a gang conflict, they are considered unconscious for an hour in real life, meaning no gang roleplay for that duration. The member must avoid gang-related activities and interactions during this time to prevent further rule violations.

11. Compliance with Rules

All gangs must follow the rules set by Legends Rising and the County Laws.

12. Gang Wars and Conflicts

All gang wars and conflicts must be declared to the government for proper tracking and to prevent harm to the public:

a. Conflicts must stay in character (IC). If they move out of character (OOC) or break rules (e.g., speaking OOC), the conflict will be ended, with the rule-breaking side forfeiting.

13. Creating a Gang for Chaos

Establishing a gang solely to cause chaos, kill, or rob without a backstory is discouraged. Gangs should have a narrative that justifies their actions, contributing to a meaningful roleplay experience.

14. Gang-Produced Drugs

Each gang can manufacture one type of drug.

15. Gang-Specific Resources and Items

Each gang will receive:

- One dedicated Discord channel or If gang has existing Discord, then please provide link, so that one member of administration can join to ensure no metagaming during active gang scenes with other gangs. They will not interfere with any other activities done within the discord.

- One specific Discord role

- One exclusive drug

- One gang hideout, away from towns or major structures, for drug production and as a base

- One camp area with a flag for gang management

16. Gangs Limits

  • If another gang rolls up to your hideout or gang business looking for conflict, you are allowed to defend your hideout/business with all members present on the property (Up to 12)
  • Those attacking can only have a restricted limit of 6 for criminal activity. Unless agreed to otherwise by both parties, meaning the gang you have the rivalry with to ensure the scene doesn't cause any rule breakings since the number of members weren't agreed upon. Keep in mind, that gangs CANNOT form alliances with other gangs.
  • You are allowed to ride as a full posse, but if a conflict arises, you must split the group and only have 6 people participating in the criminal activity/conflict.
  • If you are hunting for other players/groups, you can only be in parties of 6 total regardless of number of gangs working together.
  • Gangs are limited to a maximum of 6 members actively participating in a scene. This promotes fairness and allows for diverse interaction within the community.

17. Alliances and Wars

Gangs CANNOT form alliances, as this could create an unfair advantage against other groups, such as the police. Gang wars must be approved by the government as an RP request and will follow additional rules set by officials. This will include both gangs joining a LR VC call together and deafen to ensure no metagaming.

18. Gang Affiliates

Gangs can have associates who are not on the official roster. These individuals cannot participate in core gang events, meetings, or wars.

19. Ex-gang members applying for business or for LAW

Any ex-gang members have to want a 7-day waiting period to apply for any business. They have to prove that they are a changed person and an upstanding civilian prior to applying. Ex-gang members are forbidden to apply for LAW since they have a criminal record.

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Basic Gang Rules