Legends Rising > Gang Rules > Camps


Gang Camp Rules & Notes

Once approved, a gang can establish a base on the map. The chosen territory should reflect the gang's purpose and backstory.

Gang Territory

Gangs cannot set up their territory within town limits (e.g., Blackwater, Valentine, Saint Denis, etc.).

Territories and Other Gangs

Gang territories cannot overlap with areas already claimed by other gangs, Native American reservations, or family heritage sites.


Gangs are prohibited from harassing civilians or locals passing through their territory. They may request that trespassers leave quickly, and if they fail to do so within a set time (e.g., 5 minutes), the gang may take action.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers cannot knowingly enter gang territory to arrest, investigate, or search for evidence without a warrant signed by a judge.

Exceptions include:

- Pursuing gang members into their territory during an active chase.

- Entering the territory to investigate a crime scene located within it.

Here are some additional notes & guidelines for gangs to follow:

Character Traits

Character traits should not be used as an excuse for constant violence. Any violent actions should be justified within the story.


Robberies must involve the organic kidnapping of a hostage. Friends, family, or gang members cannot be used as hostages. If caught doing so, the hostage will also face legal consequences.

Criminal Activity

After committing a crime, you cannot change your attire or appearance according to server rules.

Gang Territories and Other Gangs

Criminal scenarios should involve no more than six gang members. Law enforcement may match this number to ensure fair play on both sides.

a. All information must be shared in-character, either through face-to-face interaction or by mail.

b. Gangs cannot stack their members against law enforcement (e.g., having two gangs with their maximum of six members each against the police). This would be unfair. The maximum number of criminals allowed is six.

c. Additional individuals cannot wait near the scene to join in if the situation escalates. This includes having people waiting for a signal to join. Any extra individuals will count towards the gang's maximum of six members.

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