Legends Rising > Medical Department > Disciplinary Actions for Physicians

Disciplinary Actions for Physicians

While it's anticipated that all medical personnel uphold professionalism, compassion in care, and reverence for life, in instances where a concern arises regarding a physician's conduct or protocol adherence, a formal complaint may be lodged. This triggers an investigation by the medical high command (HC). Should the investigation substantiate any breaches of medical rules or protocols, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken as per the outlined matrix.

Employees maintain official records, where concerns may be documented to track patterns of behavior. This documentation serves as a tool for self-improvement, enabling individuals to recognize and rectify problematic behavior with the matrix as a guide. High command retains discretion in utilizing the matrix, and may opt for informal verbal warnings when deemed appropriate. This approach fosters trust while ensuring that performance or conduct issues are promptly addressed, often serving as teachable moments for correction.

It's essential to heed these warnings, viewing them as opportunities for growth and improvement. For any queries regarding medical disciplinary matters, it's advisable to consult with your mentor/trainer or follow the established chain of command.

Navigating disciplinary action can be challenging, particularly when faced with recent reprimands. It serves as a mechanism to address recurring patterns of behavior, typically stemming from disregard or violation of rules, directives, or established standards set forth by the Chief Medical Director, legal mandates, or governmental regulations.

Examples of disciplinary actions may arise from:

  • Non-compliance with uniform standards
  • Incorrect billing practices towards patients
  • Neglecting emergency calls
  • Engaging in criminal activities
  • Deliberately causing harm to others
  • Failure to adhere to medical protocols

Disciplinary measures are only pursued against medical personnel when substantiated by sufficient evidence, avoiding unfounded allegations or hearsay.


Progressive disciplinary measures are implemented to ensure accountability among medical personnel, with strikes serving as a means of reprimand:

1st Strike: Verbal Warning

2nd Strike: Written Warning

3rd Strike: Demotion

Final Strike: Termination

Strikes maintain accountability for actions and provide a structured approach to discipline.


Demotion occurs either after accumulating three or more strikes or at the discretion of high command to ensure appropriate role alignment. Additionally, demotion may be initiated due to prolonged inactivity to prevent organizational stagnation.


Termination is initiated under the following circumstances:

  • Accumulation of more than three strikes after receiving corrective action.
  • Serious on-duty misconduct, including disregard for medical protocols, rules, or county laws.
  • Substandard performance or prolonged inactivity when demotion is not viable.
  • Any situation deemed by high command to warrant immediate separation.

Upon termination, the individual receives formal notification, effective immediately. They are required to return all work-related items, including uniforms and loaned equipment. Failure to do so may result in billing for replacement costs.

Terminations may be classified as either re-hireable or non-rehireable based on circumstances and performance.

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