Legends Rising > Medical Department > Medical Rules and Expectations

Medical Rules and Expectations

Adherence to strict guidelines ensures the integrity of our medical personnel:

No Criminal Record:

Applicants must have a clean criminal record at the time of application. High Command (HC) collaborates with law enforcement to conduct thorough background checks.

Existing Employee Conduct:

Employees are forbidden from engaging in any criminal activities or business ventures. Conviction of criminal offenses results in immediate termination.

Billing Protocol:

Medical personnel are prohibited from billing on-duty colleagues or law enforcement officials. Accidental billing requires reimbursement to the concerned individual. Off-duty doctors and law enforcement officials are treated as civilians and billed accordingly for medical services.

Uniform Standards:

Physicians are expected to maintain uniform standards while on duty. Violations are subject to disciplinary action. Compliance ensures professionalism and credibility in our medical services.

Gang Affiliation:

Physicians must not have any affiliations with criminal organizations or gangs. Discovery of such affiliation results in immediate termination and non-rehireable status.

Distribution Policy:

Physicians are strictly prohibited from distributing restricted items, including medical syringes, unapproved equipment, "pay for" prescriptions, or unauthorized controlled substances.

Security Escorts:

Physicians may request security escorts from law enforcement at any time, provided it doesn't impede emergency response. Approval is granted by law enforcement or leadership.


Civilians may accompany physicians upon approved request. Physicians can also ride with one another, particularly during training sessions, ensuring a collaborative and supportive environment.


Physicians must remain in their assigned area, except under specific circumstances:

  • Prompted to leave by Law Enforcement or Medical Command
  • Escaping imminent danger, gunfire, or other threats

Loaner Horses:

Loaner horses provided by Dr. Genevieve Frost must be returned promptly if a physician leaves the medical profession while borrowing one. Instructions for return include ensuring the horse's sustenance and appearance remain unchanged.

Downtime Guidelines:

During downtime between calls, physicians must adhere to prescribed standards:

  • Remain within assigned jurisdiction to prevent disruption for other on-duty doctors
  • Socialize with friends within the assigned area
  • Engage in legendary hunting activities
  • Participate in regular hunting within the designated area
  • Refrain from wagon deliveries to avoid leaving the assigned area
  • Immediately respond to any calls within the assigned area without delay.

Danger & Active Scenes:

Physicians are prohibited from entering active, hostile scenes that jeopardize their safety. Violating this rule, known as "No Value of Life," includes riding into active shootouts or similar dangerous situations.

Fast Travel:

Fast travel, is a resource reserved for urgent situations requiring swift patient transportation. Its use is restricted to on-duty personnel and must be employed judiciously. Abuse of this privilege will result in its revocation for all.

Prescription Issuance:

Only doctors or higher-ranking medical personnel are authorized to issue prescriptions to patients. Nurses and medical students lack the authority to do so. Prescriptions must be crafted on paper, including the patient's name, prescribed medicine, and expiration date in the format: "DATE VALID UNTIL: MM/DD/YY - PATIENT NAME | MEDICINE."

Example, "DATE VALID UNTIL: 01/06/1890 - Wyatt Tandy | MORPHINE."

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Medical Rules and Expectations