Legends Rising > Server Guide > Medical Care

Medical Care

At some point during your residency in Legends Rising County, you may require medical assistance. Before doing so, it’s important to acquaint yourself with the New Life Rule, which can be found on Discord under Server Rules. Fortunately, there are several avenues of help available:

  1. Doctor: Prompt assistance can be summoned with /alertdoctor.
  2. Shaman: Seek spiritual healing by using /alertshaman.
  3. Barber: Although unlicensed, you can call for assistance using /alertbarber, but do so at your own risk.
  4. Horse Trainer: For horse revival, use /alerttrainer exclusively.

Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Refrain from requesting medical aid until you’re certain you won’t be relocated.
  • Choose the option that best suits your circumstances and lifestyle.

  • When calling for a doctor, anticipate engaging in medical roleplay rather than seeking a quick remedy. Note that wait times may vary depending on the availability of doctors, and they may travel from across the county. However, there’s no charge for the wait.

  • Doctors typically agree on a reasonable wait time of 30 minutes after receiving a response to your call.

  • The respawn wait time is 5 minutes, during which you’ll lose 25% of the money in your possession.

  • Reserve calls to horse trainers solely for horse revival purposes; other requests should be made through telegrams or in-person communication.

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Medical Care