Legends Rising > Server Guide > In County Terminology

In County Terminology

Navigating through county lingo and commands can sometimes be confusing for newcomers. To help clarify, a comprehensive list of terms and commands is available on Discord under Information > Server Commands. It’s crucial to adhere to specific rules governing the use of these commands, which can be found on below:

Here’s a breakdown of some common terminology:

  • Flex muscle: Press the designated key.
  • Headpop/Nap: Restarting.
  • Headache: Experience lag or sudden crash.
  • Got to sleep/bed: Logging out.
  • Government: Admins or staff members.
  • Angel: On-duty staff member.
  • Local: Non-player character (NPC).
  • Citizen: Player character.
  • Wizard: Hacker.
  • Make a prayer: Submit a ticket in Discord.
  • Luck number/: ID number.
  • Send a bird: Send a telegram.
  • Storm: Server restart.
  • Fresh off boat/train: New to the server.
  • Memory: Take a photo or video.
  • Voice box: Microphone.
  • Eyes: Screen.
  • Think: Press T to type or input commands.

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