Legends Rising > Horse Trainer > Horse Trainer Guideline

Horse Trainer Guideline

Horses aren't our working machines, they're our companions, through harsh winters and blissful summers, therefore we must take good care of them.

As a horse trainer, we're here to help out the riders to find the perfect fit of their horse if they're in need of that, or to train the braveness of their already chosen horses, and help their speeds and patience.

As well as being a horse trainer, does not give you the right to abuse your animals in any way.

Therefore, there are some set rules that you must follow.

  • Teamwork is required, for example, A disrespectful person has come along, being rude to you and threatening you. Therefore; You refuse them service. You can warn the other horse trainers of this person, and make sure you've worked through it with each other to avoid said person the best you can.
  • You can always refuse service with a valid point, this means if someone is threatening you or their horse, being disrespectful, or overall uncomfortable with you, you have every right to refuse service.
  • Apprentice Horse Trainers CANNOT train other people's horses unless a horse trainer is present and aware of you training them.
  • Only assistant head horse trainers and head horse trainers can give you lessons. This means that if you're a friend of another person who's a horse trainer, they cannot teach you how to handle the horses. They need to get a hold of a head horse trainer or assistant head horse trainer.
  • If you're going courage training, attempt to have another horse trainer with you. This is in case they need to call for a doctor or you get stuck.
  • If you're confused if a horse color is unrealistic, check the ⁠Unrealistic and Realistic color, there will be a guide with photos on unrealistic horse coat colors.

    If you're caught making unrealistically colored horses 3 times, you will be demoted and unable to become a horse trainer again.

Extra/Information for horse trainers and others.

If you see someone abusing their horse in any shape or form, alert the law immediately.

Horse coloring is a bit difficult whenever its night time, and it might bring some trouble when it comes to realistic colors.

Therefore, its recommended that coloring them in happens when its daytime to take a closer look at the horses' coat colors.

Any unrealistic colors seen should be reported to the head horse trainer to take them in to talk to them.

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Horse Trainer Guideline