Legends Rising > Server Guide > Intro


Welcome to Legends Rising County, circa 1890! This guide serves as your starting point in navigating the county’s opportunities and resources. While it provides a foundation, the richness of your experience will come from further exploration and interactions with fellow inhabitants who can offer more detailed insights. Out of Character (OOC) content within this guide will be indicated in white.

Most inquiries should be directed within the county (IC), but for technical queries, Discord serves as a valuable resource under Legends Support > Support.

I trust you’ll find this guide invaluable. Once you’ve gleaned all you need, consider passing it along to another newcomer. Updates will be made as the county evolves or as suggestions are received.

Side note: Ensure to acquaint yourself with the Discord’s Information > Rules section. In case of discrepancies between information provided here and there, the rules always take precedence.

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