Legends Rising > Server Guide > Outro


Legends County extends a warm welcome to newcomers from all walks of life. Your experiences here are shaped by your own actions and interactions, which should ideally involve a balance of give and take.

Should you encounter any difficulties, ensure to conclude the current scene before seeking assistance. During events, you can contact staff by pressing PgDn, or you can submit a ticket afterward via Discord under Report a Player. It’s advisable to Record any issues you encounter to provide staff with comprehensive information if needed.

Remember to take breaks as needed, engaging in lively discussions is always welcome in General > OOC Chat. For immersion, consider aligning your Discord name with your character’s name. Discord discussions are strictly out-of-character (OOC) and should not influence your in-game actions or knowledge.

Side note: Engaging in criminal activities entails risks, and consequences are inherent to your decisions. Familiarize yourself with the rules on criminal behavior in Discord under County laws Article 1

Procedures Article 2 Penal Codes/Article 3 Contraband and Town Ordinances, and ensure play out such scenarios appropriately.

Enjoy your time in Legends Rising County, and we look forward to meeting you in the county soon!

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